Flowering Shrubs
We like to feel that we specialize in a wide variety of hydrangeas that are hardy and flower for a lengthy time during the summer.
We also grow a select group of hardy shrubs with some native varieties, deer resistant, compact, spreading, creeping, and berry producing shrubs.
Please check our availability for sizes and information on growth habit. A full list of our 2022 shrubs can be seen below.
Shrubs Price Current Quantity Peninsula Perennial Nursery Arctostaphylos u. Vancover Jade Bearberry 1 g 15.00 24 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Massachusetts Bearberry 3G 29.95 6 Aronia Autumn Magic Chokeberry #5 58.00 8 Aronia Low Scape Hedger 58.00 20 Azalea Mandarin Lights #3 45.00 15 Azalea Northern Lights #3 45.00 15 Azalea Northern Lights Assorted Colors #3 39.95 6 Azalea Rosey Lights #3 45.00 15 Azalea, Exbury, 5GL 58.95 4 Caryopteris Blue Sapphire, 3 GL 42.00 6 Caryopteris Dark Knight #5 49.95 9 Caryopteris First Choice #5 49.95 8 Caryopteris Longwood Blue #3 42.00 12 Cephalanthus Button Bush #3 45.00 4 Chamaecyparis Fernspray Gold #3 45.00 12 Chamaecyparis Mops Japanese False Cypress #3 44.95 21 Chamaecyparis Sungold False Cypress #3 45.00 6 Chamaecyparis Vintage Gold 45.00 10 Clethra alnifolia Ruby Spice, #3 44.95 12 Clethra altinifolia Sixteen Candles 44.95 12 Cornus Bailey Red Twig Dogwood #5 49.95 12 Cornus Bailey Red Twig Dogwood #7 54.95 3 Cornus Budd's Yellow Red Twig Dogwood #7 59.95 3 Cornus Ivory Halo, 7GL 54.95 2 Cornus Kelsey #5 49.95 6 Cornus a. Elegantissima vargiegated Red Twig Dogwood 5 gal 49.95 12 Cornus alba Ivory Halo #5 49.95 11 Cornus sanguinea Artic Sun #7 gallon 49.95 5 Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire 54.95 10 Cornus sericea Red Twig Dogwood #5 54.95 7 Cornus stolonifera Arctic Fire #7 gallon 59.95 8 Cotinus Grace Smoke Bush #5 69.95 12 Cotinus cogg. Royal Purple Smoke Bush 62.00 6 Cotinus cogg. Winecraft Black #3 56.00 6 Cotinus coggyria Old Fashioned Smoke Tree #5 75.00 1 Deutzia Nikko #3 42.50 5 Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom #3 55.95 10 Deutzia Yuki Snowflake #5 51.25 3 Diervilla lonicera Kodiak Orange dwarf Honeysuckle #3 49.95 6 Euonymous Compactus Burning Bush #5 56.00 18 Euonymous Compactus Burning Bush #7 80.00 1 Euonymous c. Little Moses Burning Bush #3 49.50 20 Forsythia Gold Tide #3 34.95 6 Forsythia Gold Tide #5 48.00 4 Forsythia Gold Tide #7 54.95 4 Forsythia Lynwood Gold #5 48.00 1 Forsythia x Intermedia Color Choice Show #5 59.00 3 Forsythia x Intermedia Color Choice Show #9 64.95 6 Fothergilla gardenii #3 42.00 9 Fothergilla gardenii #7 65.95 1 Fothergilla major Mount Airy #3 42.00 10 Hamamelis a. 5' Witch Hazel 212.50 3 Hibiscus Paraplu Pink Ink #5 68.00 10 Hibiscus syr. Magenta Chiffon #5 68.00 10 Hibiscus syriacus Purple Pillar #5 68.00 10 Hibiscus syriascus Pink Chiffon #15 269.00 2 Hydrangea Lets Dance Can Do #3 56.00 12 Hydrangea Lets Dance Sky View #3 56.00 12 Hydrangea M. Double Delight Stargazer #3 56.00 10 Hydrangea a. Annabelle Incredible 3GL 44.95 10 Hydrangea a. Invincibelle Sublime #3 56.00 10 Hydrangea a. Invincible Limelight Prime #3 58.00 1 Hydrangea a. Invincible Wee White #3 58.00 15 Hydrangea m. All Summer Beauty #3 49.95 12 Hydrangea m. Bloomstruck #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Blue Jangles Let’s Dance #3 58.00 12 Hydrangea m. Cardinal Red #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Cherry Go Round #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Eclipse, 3GL 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Glowing Embers #5 52.00 2 Hydrangea m. Hamburg #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Hamburg #7 54.95 5 Hydrangea m. Harlequin #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Horben pink/purple #3 49.95 3 Hydrangea m. Horben pink/purple #7 54.95 5 Hydrangea m. LA Dreaming Lindsey Ann 9 gal 69.00 3 Hydrangea m. Lemon Wave 3G 49.95 12 Hydrangea m. Lemon Wave 5 gal 54.95 5 Hydrangea m. Let's Dance Can Do #3 49.95 1 Hydrangea m. Lets Dance Arriba #3 58.00 24 Hydrangea m. Lets Dance Arriba #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Lets Dance Arriba #7 54.95 1 Hydrangea m. Lets Dance Blue #3 69.95 10 Hydrangea m. Lets Dance Can Do 58.00 24 Hydrangea m. Lets Dance Rhythmic Blue #3 49.95 9 Hydrangea m. Lets Dance Rhythmic Blue #7 54.95 13 Hydrangea m. Matilda #3 49.95 8 Hydrangea m. Pop Star #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Summer Crush #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea m. Sweet Fantasy #3 56.00 10 Hydrangea m. Teller Blue 3G 49.95 22 Hydrangea m. Teller Red #3 49.95 21 Hydrangea m. Teller Red #7 59.95 2 Hydrangea m. Wee Bit Giddy #3 58.00 18 Hydrangea p. Berry White #3 54.95 6 Hydrangea p. BoBo #3 58.00 22 Hydrangea p. Bombshell #5 54.95 10 Hydrangea p. Diamond Rouge #7 62.95 3 Hydrangea p. Fire Light #3 58.00 10 Hydrangea p. Fire Light Tidbit #3 58.00 20 Hydrangea p. Fire and Ice #3 49.00 6 Hydrangea p. Fire and Ice #5 66.25 9 Hydrangea p. Limelight Prime #3 58.00 23 Hydrangea p. Limelight #3 58.00 12 Hydrangea p. Limelight Tree Form 280.00 2 Hydrangea p. Little Hottie #3 49.95 10 Hydrangea p. Little Lime Punch 58.00 10 Hydrangea p. Little Quick Fire #3 58.00 30 Hydrangea p. Phantom #5 58.00 10 Hydrangea p. Pinky Winky #3 58.00 6 Hydrangea p. Quick Fire Fab #3 58.00 11 Hydrangea p. Strawberry Sunday #3 49.95 15 Hydrangea s. Tuff Stuff Pink and Blue #5 54.95 8 Hydrangea serrata Preziosa #5 56.00 6 Hydrangea serrata Tuff Stuff pink/blue #3 56.00 13 Hypericum Sunburst St. John's Wort #3 34.95 21 Hypericum perforatum 4' B&B 89.00 1 Ilex verticillata Afterglow 3" B&B 79.00 6 Ilex verticillata Sparkleberry 4' B&B 108.00 4 Itea Fizzy Mizzy #3 55.00 20 Itea virginica Merlot #3 39.95 1 Juniper chinensis Sea Green #3 39.95 14 Lindera benzoin Spice Bush #5 58.00 1 Lonicera xylosteum Emerald Mound Honeysuckle #3 42.00 13 Microbiota decussata (Russian Sage), 3GL 34.95 10 Myrica pennsylanica #5 49.95 8 Philadelphus Blizzard Mock Orange #5 49.00 3 Philadelphus Minnesota Snowflake Mock Orange #5 64.95 1 Physocarpus Diabolo Ninebark #5 48.00 4 Physocarpus Ginger Wine #3 58.00 10 Physocarpus Little Devil Ninebark #3 39.00 2 Physocarpus Summer Wine Black #3 44.50 12 Physocarpus Summer Wine Ninebark #5 44.50 15 Picea abides Nidiformis, #5 54.00 1 Pinus mugo Pumilo #3 44.95 12 Potentilla fruticosa Goldfinger 39.95 12 Prunus Sand Cherry #5 49.95 5 Prunus Sand Cherry #7 59.95 2 Rhus arromatica Gro-Low #5 41.25 8 Rhus arromatica Tiger Eyes #5 65.75 5 Rose Double Knock Out Red #3 56.25 10 Rose Oso Easy Double Red #3 58.00 10 Rose Oso Easy Italian Ice #3 58.00 5 Rose Oso Easy Peasy #3 58.00 10 Rose Petite Knock Out Deep Red #3 42.00 12 Rose assorted #5 56.25 5 Salix Dwarf Blue Arctic Willow #3 39.50 6 Salix Dwarf Blue Arctic Willow #7 54.95 5 Salix Integra Hakura Nishiki #3 39.95 18 Salix Integra Hakura Nishiki #9 62.95 6 Salix candida First Edition Iceberg Alley #3 39.50 15 Sambucus Color Choice Black Lace Elderberry #5 54.00 4 Sambucus nigra Black Tower #5 49.95 5 Sambucus racemosa Lemony Lace #3 44.50 19 Spirea Double Play Doozie #3 56.00 10 Spirea Glow Girl #3 Birchleaf 53.75 7 Spirea Little Princess #3 44.95 10 Spirea Mellow Yellow #5 36.00 5 Spirea Snowmound #3 39.95 12 Spirea Snowmound #5 49.95 12 Spirea Snowmound 7g 54.95 12 Spirea b. Tor Birchleaf #3 39.95 12 Spirea bumalda Goldmound #3 39.95 9 Spirea japonica Goldflame #5 39.50 10 Spirea japonica Lemon Princess #5 42.00 10 Spirea japonica Magic Carpet #3 44.95 15 Spirea vanhouttei Renaissance 7G 49.95 5 Symphoricarpus x Chenaulti Hancock #5 49.95 12 Symphoriocarpos Magical Avalanche SnowBerry #3 53.75 6 Syringa Baby Kim #3 49.95 10 Syringa Edward J. Gardner Lilac #7 54.95 1 Syringa Josee Reblooming Lilac #7 54.95 1 Syringa Ludwig Spaeth Purple Lilac #5 61.25 10 Syringa Maiden Blush 61.25 10 Syringa Miss Kim Lilac #3 47.00 10 Syringa Miss Kim Lilac #5 61.25 10 Syringa Sensation Purple and White #5 61.25 10 Syringa x Virtual Violet Lilac #3 64.50 4 Viburmum carlesii Korean Spice #9 69.00 1 Viburnmum plicatum Kilimanjaro #5 42.00 3 Viburnum Brandywine #5 54.00 6 Viburnum Carlesii Korean Spice #7 69.00 1 Viburnum Dawn Bodense #5 52.00 10 Viburnum Double File Opening Day #3 49.50 15 Viburnum European Cranberry #3 39.95 6 Viburnum European Cranberry 7G 54.95 5 Viburnum Summer Snowflake #3 39.95 12 Viburnum compact Snowball #3 39.95 6 Viburnum opulus Sterile Snow Ball #7 54.95 4 Viburnum p. Steady Eddy #5 68.00 12 Weigela Afterglow #3 49.95 6 Weigela Java Red #3 49.95 6 Weigela Java Red #7 54.95 1 Weigela Minuet #3 34.95 6 Weigela My Monet #3 54.95 6 Weigela Spilled Wine #3 54.95 10 Weigela Strobe #3 49.95 6 Weigela Towers of Flowers Apple Blossom #3 52.00 6 Weigela Wine and Spirits #3 54.95 6 Weigela florida Wine and Roses #5 54.95 6 Wiegela Java Red, 7GL 54.95 1 <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTZUOtWO93Yf2PqOS1B0aBTW10vH-CZ_MwmfOopGCPv22ur42T4UIS_kRjkfDRmC6DnFMkcG29O86YC/pubhtml?gid=441501180&single=true&widget=true&headers=false" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>