9 Gallon, assorted trees 85.00 Acer griseum Paperbark Maple 2/2.5 inch C 425.00 2 Acer p. Bloodgood Japanese Maple 1.5/2 inch C 335.00 12 Acer p. Bloodgood, Japanese Maple 2/2.5 inch C 395.00 2 Acer p. Tamukyama 5 gal Japanese Weeping Maple 165.00 10 Acer p. d. Viridis wooden box 325.00 2 Acer p.d. Tamukeyama in ground 425.00 4 Acer p.d. Tamukeyama, 11 gallon 195.00 4 Acer palm. Red Dragon 24/30" 15 gal. 295.00 1 Acer palmatum Beni Kawa 4' 285.00 1 Acer palmatum Englishtown 24 " B&B 345.00 2 Acer palmatum Green Japanese Maple Clump 6-7' 485.00 2 Acer palmatum disectum Emerald Lace 24"B&B 375.00 Acer platanoides Royal Red 3-4 "C 525.00 1 Acer rubrum Fantasy 3/4"C 525.00 2 Acer rubrum Red Sunset Maple 2/2.5”C 350.00 10 Acer rubrum Red Sunset Maple 3”C 450.00 5 Acer rubrum Redpoint Maple 3"C 450.00 2 Acer saacharum Legacy Sugar Maple 2/2.5"C 375.00 8 Acer sacch. Commeration 3.5”C B&B 450.00 4 Acer x Crimson Sunset 2.5/3"C 425.00 4 Aesculus Ft. McNair Red Horsechestnut, 2"C 375.00 2 Amelanchier Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry 5-6' 225.00 1 Amelanchier Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry 6-8' 295.00 5 Amelanchier Serviceberry Autumn Brilliance 7-8' 325.00 5 Betula Whitespire Birch 8-10' 250.00 15 Betula a. Yellow Birch 14/16’ 550.00 2 Betula alleghaniensis Yellow Birch 10/12’ B&B 395.00 4 Betula nigra River Birch 10-12' B&B 395.00 2 Betula nigra River Birch 14-16' B&B 495.00 1 Celtis occidentallis (Hackberry), 2.5-3” C 495.00 1 Cercis c. Heartbreaker, 2.5/3"C B&B 335.00 3 Cercis canadensis, Redbud 8-9 Clump B&B 375.00 7 Cladrastis kentukea Yellowwood 2.5-3" C 350.00 1 Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows Dogwood variable 0 Cornus florida Cherokee Princess Dogwood 3-3.5"C B&B 350.00 6 Cornus kousa Dogwood 6/7' B&B clump 185.00 6 Cornus kousa Dogwood 7/8' B&B clump 225.00 7 Cornus kousa, 2.5-3" C single stem, low branch 250.00 3 Cornus x Rosy Teacups 1.5"C 225.00 1 Cornus x Rutgens Aurora 1.5"C 225.00 4 Cornus x Rutgens Aurora 2"C 325.00 11 Cornus x Starlight 1.5"C 225.00 1 Cornus x Stellar Pink 1.5"C 275.00 2 Cornus x Stellar Pink 2"C 325.00 6 Cornus x Venus Dogwood 1.5"C 265.00 5 Crataegus Crusader Hawthorn Thornless 250.00 1 Fagus sylvatica Dawyck Purple Beech 2.5/3" C B&B 375.00 3 Ginko biloba Autumn Gold, 2"C B&B 325.00 5 Gleditsia tri. Shademaster Honey Locust, 2"C. B&B 285.00 6 Magnolia Jane 6/7' B&B 225.00 4 Malus Coral Burst Crabapple 2"C 225.00 1 Malus Pink Princess Crabapple 2"C 225.00 2 Malus Prairie Fire Crabapple Red 2"C 225.00 4 Malus Profusion Crabapple 2" C 225.00 2 Malus Purple Prince Crabapple Tree 2"C 225.00 4 Malus Royal Rain Crabapple 2"C 225.00 2 Malus Ruby Dayze Crabapple Tree 2"C 225.00 3 Malus Sargentina 1.5C 225.00 2 Malus Snowdrift Crabapple #15 175.00 0 Malus Snowdrift Crabapple 2"C 225.00 1 Malus Spring Snow Crabapple B&B 225.00 1 Malus Sugar Tyme Crabapple 2"C 225.00 7 Nyssa sylvatica Haymanred Red Rage 2.5"C. B&B 295.00 5 Ostrya virginiana American Hop Hornbeam 350.00 0 Populous tremuloides 195.00 1 Prunus Krauter Vesuvius 2"C 275.00 5 Prunus Snowfountains Cherry large specimen 295.00 3 Prunus virginiana Canada Red Clump #25 295.00 0 Prunus yedoensis Yoshino Cherry tree 2.5-3"C 295.00 2 Prunus yeodensis Akebono 2.5"C 325.00 7 Quercus rubra 2"-3" C B&B (1) 395.00 5 Salix a. Tristis Golden Weeping Willow 2"C 425.00 4 Sorbus a. Cardinal Royal 8/10’ 365.00 3 Sorbus ‘Cardinal Royal’, 10/12’ B&B 375.00 1 Styrax japonicus J.L. Weeping Marley Pink #15 275.00 1 Syringa reticulata Ivory Silk Tree 4" c. 385.00 1
Deciduous Trees
Our selection of flowering trees and Japanese Maples is best in the early spring so call or stop in early if you are considering a special tree for your landscape.
We carry hardy Weeping Cherry, Styrax, Dogwood, and Redbud along with River and Heritage Birch, Paper Bark Maple, Red Maples, Oaks, Flowering Grafted Trees and many more all in containers and B&B landscape ready. We have a unique selection of conifers from dwarf spruce, native Michigan evergreens, field grown arborvitae, and large Green Giants.
Evergreens are always a staple plant for the landscape and our nursery will not disappoint you in our selection of evergreen ground covers, shrubs, trees and ornamentals.
We grow our own Arborvitae in a variety of sizes from filed grown to containers to B&B trees.
We also have sources for large evergreens that can be shipped in early in the spring so order ahead if you are planning on larger trees for privacy, shade or to beautify your landscape.
< Evergreen Trees 9 Gallon assorted conifers 85.00 Abies Balsamea Balsam Fir 7' B&B 448.00 6 Arborvitae Emerald and Green Giant variable 700 Juniper Taylor 10' 145.00 1 Juniperus Witchita Blue #5 95.00 20 Juniperus chinensis Blue Point 6/7' 225.00 3 Juniperus scop. Mooglow Spiral specimen 175.00 2 Juniperus virginiana Fragrant Cedar 5/6' 125.00 10 Larix lanicina 8-10'' B&B (1) 375.00 1 Metasequoia g. Dawn Redwood, 4"C B&B 495.00 6 Metasequoia g. Dawn Redwood, 6-7' B&B 325.00 2 Picea Conica Dwarf Alberta Spruce #7 127.00 5 Picea Conica Dwarf Alberta Spruce 6' 175.00 2 Picea Glauca Pendula (Weeping White), 7/8' B&B 425.00 2 Picea Glauca Pendula 6' B&B specimen 300.00 5 Picea abies Norway Spruce 6’ B&B 425.00 9 Picea abies Norway Spruce 7’ 475.00 21 Picea densata/omorika (White/Serbian), 8/10’ B&B 495.00 2 Picea glauca Dwarf Alberta Spruce Spiral, 6/7' B&B 375.00 2 Picea glauca White Spruce 6/7’ 398.00 8 Picea p. Fat Albert 6/7' B&B 425.00 2 Picea p. Fat Albert 8/9' B&B 475.00 12 Picea p. Glauca Pendula 5' B&B 325.00 5 Picea p. Globosa 30" B&B 325.00 3 Picea pungens Baby Blue 6' B&B 375.00 6 Picea pungens Baby Blue 7/8' 425.00 6 Picea pungens Colorado Spruce 6-7’ 398.00 13 Picea stichnensis Papoose 24" 176.00 1 Pinus aristata Bristlecone 3/4’ 275.00 2 Pinus d. Tanyosho Compacta STD 174.00 1 Pinus leucodermis Bosnian Pine 6/7' B&B 375.00 1 Pinus strobus 12’ 525.00 1 Pinus strobus Pendula 5-6 ft 275.00 2 Pinus strobus White Pine 6/7' B&B 375.00 14 Pinus strobus White Pine 7/8' B&B 448.00 5 Taxis cusp. ‘Capitata’ (natural upright), 5’ B&B 389.00 Thuja Congabe Fire Chief Arborvitae #5 54.95 6 Thuja occ. Dwarf Globe Arborvitae 30" B&B 74.95 4 Thuja occ. Dwarf Globe Arborvitae 42" B&B 89.00 5 Thuja occ. Fire Chief Arborvitae 7GL 54.00 6 iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQMHmkETl398f7g2AihYH3bUBXQJjSrGqIa56efapAewF4V7R490Gbz2_lJ_9u_dIWi4U9Bd4i-dcHp/pubhtml?gid=984124813&single=true&widget=true&headers=false" height="600px" width="100%">></iframe> ></iframe>